The KIO Statement on Current Situation of War in Kachin State


Central Committee 

1. Clashes between the KIO and the Tatmadaw are continuing is some areas.

2. The reason the KIO is not publicizing battle news in order not to heighten unnecessary tensions.

3. But we see that the Information Department of the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the Defense Ministry continue to put all the blame on the KIO.

4. Although the KIO Negotiation Team came to meet the Government delegation in Shweli, the information Department of the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar’s No.3/2013, 18 January 2013 – paragraph 3, stated incorrectly that the KIO/KIA armed group did not come, that we rejected the Government’s overtures and caused the talks to fail.

5. The KIO has always said that we believe that political problems have to be resolved through a dialogue. We will continue to seek such a solution.

6. The KIO will request assistance from groups and governments that are able to help to enable a genuine peace to be achieved.

7. If the Tatmadaw stops its military offensives, the KIA will not undertake military activities that may cause problems.

KIO Central Committee
1 February 2013

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