By Kanbawza Win | 5 July 2011
These words were taken from a poem by our beloved Bogyoke Aung San, father of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, during his university days when Burma was struggling against the British imperialism. Originating from the mythical bird Phoenix of Chinese, Egyptian, Russian and America’s first nations traditions, the architect of the modern Burma has skilfully designed it into a fighting peacock (Peacock at that time was the emblem of Burman/Myanmar nationalist), obviously no self style Farang Burmese expert could comprehend and often describe this flag of a strange bird. This mystical bird never die, it flies far ahead to the front, always scanning the landscape and distance space. It represents our capacity for vision, for collecting sensory information about the environment and the event unfolding within it. The bird with its great beauty creates intense excitement and deathless inspiration. This is the emblem of the Burmese students which keep on struggling, first against the colonialist, then against the military dictatorships and later was adopted by the pro democracy movement led by NLD. They have struggled all these ages, generations by generation and are bound to continue the struggle against this evil government.